23 April 2016


This is Marie.  She's a black labrador or perhaps a lab mix - she's around 3 or 4 years old and lived in a refuge until she was given her forever home by a family in Gorbio. 

22 April 2016

Well-travelled Daisy

Daisy, the Labrador, was born in England, lived in the south of France, moved to Australia and then moved back to the UK - where she now lives.  But one time, she was indeed a Riviera Dog.

21 April 2016

Roxy and grass

Spring is here and with it comes tasty young grass.  Roxy, who lives in Monaco, likes it!

20 April 2016

18 April 2016


A cool iron foot-scraper keeps Pepper cool on a hot day. Pepper is two years old and lives in Gorbio village with his young owners, Mary and Amy.

17 April 2016


'My, what big teeth you have ...'   Jack Russell terriers in Ventimiglia, Italy.

16 April 2016

'Ol Blue Eyes'

A bar in Ventimiglia and 'Ol blue eyes' the dog.

15 April 2016

Dog and Cat

This cat thinks he's a dog and follows his Shetland Sheepdog family (there are four of them) around Gorbio village. Love that!

13 April 2016

Sheltie and bench

This beautiful Shetland Sheepdog lives in Gorbio village with three other Shelties and a cat. 

11 April 2016

Patrice and the shih-tzus

If you stay in Monte Carlo's prestigious Hotel Hermitage and you want your dogs walked, then Patrice is your man!

10 April 2016

Wanna play?

Two pups who want to play.  Luna, Australian Shepherd and Biggi, Jack Russell terrier in Gorbio village. 

09 April 2016

Blonde on Blonde

This lovely dog was lying outside a bar in Grottalgie, in Puglia, Italy.  Perhaps a stray or perhaps she belonged to the bar. Grottalgie is a village with many artisan ceramic factories.

07 April 2016


How utterly gorgeous is this 3 month old Australian Shepherd!  She's called Luna and lives in Gorbio village - love her!

05 April 2016

04 April 2016


He looks a bit like a strange dachshund, doesn't he but in fact he's a Bassett des Alpes (also called a Alpine Dachsbracke) The breed originates from Austria and is used to hunt wild boar and also to find wounded animals and this is exactly what he does in Gorbio with his owner.

02 April 2016


Goldens and little boys or girls go together, don't they?  This is Saphir and he belongs to a little boy in Gorbio village. He's outside the school and waiting for his young owner.

01 April 2016

Dog Walker

Walking the dog ... this is Leonie, who lives in Menton and has her owner very well-trained.

30 March 2016

Yachtie Dog

Waiting for the boat at Villefranche-sur-Mer.

28 March 2016


Who can resist a wire-haired terrier mix like this one?

27 March 2016

Ice breaker on four legs

You're never lonely with a dog ... not only is he a great companion but he'll be an ice-breaker as you walk around your neighbourhood.  These three old man - and a Min Pin - are chatting in Beausoleil.


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