26 October 2016


A comfy lap for a hunting dog pup.

25 October 2016

24 October 2016

All tied up

This dog was tied up in a Naples street - so we said 'hello' to each other.  Hopefully his owner didn't leave him tied up for too long. 

23 October 2016


No surprise to see a Neopolitan Mastiff in Naples although sad to see he is used for begging - however he is in excellent condition and seems well-cared for by his owner.

22 October 2016

Tibet in Monaco

I met these four beauties in Monte Carlo yesterday.  They are Tibetan Terriers from Lake Constance in Switzerland - and obviously show dogs!   Left to right: Magic, Bimala, Chiwa and Chenpo.

21 October 2016

20 October 2016

19 October 2016

Setter beauty

If this was my dog he'd have snatched the bread by now!  A beautiful setter I met in Naples.

15 October 2016


Words are not needed to explain the rapport and love between these two. This beautiful Swiss Shepherd dog is called Ghost and lives in Gorbio.

14 October 2016

13 October 2016


Australian Shepherd pups love to jump ... !

12 October 2016

Bag dog

A wire-haired dachshund puppy with his own transportation.

10 October 2016

The Fisherman's Dog

Home for this lovely dog is the island of Procida, near to Naples hanging out with the fishermen. 

09 October 2016

Chin Support

Cool tiles and a place to rest his chin for a Rottweiler on Procida island, off Naples.

08 October 2016


Bouchette, the Bassett Hound asleep in the Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio. 

07 October 2016


Rita, a beautiful Brittany spaniel at her window in Gorbio village.

06 October 2016


This lovely pup - she's only 4 months old - will grow up to be a big dog. Zara is a Rafeiro de Alentejo, a Portuguese Mastiff.

05 October 2016


A bundle of fluff - 6 month old Pomeranian puppy,  Mogwai. 

04 October 2016

A Moment in Time

'We do not remember days, we remember moments.'  

~ Cesare Pavese (Italian poet 1908 - 1950)

03 October 2016


Yesterday I met this cute pup at the Fete de la Branda in Gorbio village. He belongs to the family who sell garlic.  Batman is 4 months old and is a mix of a beagle and a French bulldog.  He lives near to Toulon.


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