16 November 2016

The size of a chihuahua

Imagine being the size of a chihuahua amongst all those legs...  it must be like living in the Land of the Giants!

14 November 2016


Naples - Market shopping in the rain.

13 November 2016


Micky, a 4 month old Shiba Inu, safely tethered whilst his owners enjoy lunch at Le Petit Port in Menton.

12 November 2016

Dogs in cars

Dogs in cars. (Emmanuelle, Guillaume, Joe (the cocker spaniel) in Patrick's restored Renault 4. What wonderful friends I have.

10 November 2016


This is Shar-pei looking at the camera very intently at the recent Fete de la Branda in Gorbio village.

09 November 2016

Election Day

There's only one thing to do today ... turn off the television and go love your dog!

08 November 2016

Give me a drink!

What is it about French Bulldogs that make them so irresistible? What is it about French Bulldogs that make them so irresistible? This one is waiting for a helping hand from his owner so he can drink out of the fountain in Menton.

06 November 2016

Proud Mama

Proud Mama in Naples.

03 November 2016

Gentle hands

Kind hands protect a young Jack Russell terrier puppy.

02 November 2016

Front Pack Dog

A comfortable 'front pack' for this shih-tzu as her owner walks around Ventimiglia market in Italy. 

01 November 2016

28 October 2016

Happy as a Golden Retriever

'There is something about the human condition. I don't think dogs are like "If only I was a poodle instead of a golden retriever, I'd be totally happy." Dogs are happy with who they are.'

~ Michael Ian Black 

27 October 2016

Mutual admiration

Mutual admiration... in black and white.

26 October 2016


A comfy lap for a hunting dog pup.

25 October 2016

24 October 2016

All tied up

This dog was tied up in a Naples street - so we said 'hello' to each other.  Hopefully his owner didn't leave him tied up for too long. 

23 October 2016


No surprise to see a Neopolitan Mastiff in Naples although sad to see he is used for begging - however he is in excellent condition and seems well-cared for by his owner.

22 October 2016

Tibet in Monaco

I met these four beauties in Monte Carlo yesterday.  They are Tibetan Terriers from Lake Constance in Switzerland - and obviously show dogs!   Left to right: Magic, Bimala, Chiwa and Chenpo.

21 October 2016

20 October 2016


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