29 November 2008


Jimmy lives in Turin but here he's enjoying his day out at The Chestnut Fête in Roquebrune village. He's a mix - perhaps some Border Collie in him - and he's 8 years old.

He's standing near his owner, who is wearing black so his lovely face rather disappears into the black - sorry about that).

26 November 2008

Aston and Bentley - outside the Palace

Decked out in the red and white scarves of Monaco, these two Goldens are taking part in the Fête Nationale - Monaco's National Day.

They are in front of the Palace - Aston is on the left and he's 3 years old. On the right is his half-brother Bentley, who is 4. Someone obviously likes cars - hence their names!

You can see another photograph of Aston and Bentley, who live in Monaco, on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today along with their beautiful owner, Zarina.

24 November 2008

Doug - and his shadow

Doug is 6 months old and a Boston Terrier. In France, people often think a Boston Terrier is a French Bulldog - there are many French Bulldogs but not many Boston Terriers, but of course, whilst there is a similarity, the Bostons are a much finer-built breed of dog.

Doug lives in Paris but was on holiday with his owner at their Roquebrune-Cap-Martin villa. I met them just outside the village where the Chestnut Festival was taking place. You can read about the Fete on Menton Daily Photo.

23 November 2008


Laska, is a beautiful 8 year old Belgian Shepherd Dog. There are several varieties of Belgian Shepherd - Laska is a Tervuren.

She was out walking with her owners on the walking road leading from the medieval village of Roquebrune down to Carnoles, where she lives.

21 November 2008

Monaco's colours

Rather strange I know to show you the back view of a dog - but notice his red scarf and hop over to Monte Carlo Daily Photo and you'll see he's taking part in the festivities. He's sitting in front of Monaco's magnificient cathedral waiting for Prince Albert and the family to arrive.

20 November 2008

No! You can't take my photograph!

No! You can't take my photograph!

I noticed this little chihuahua sitting with her owner outside a bar in Carnoles, near to Menton. I asked if I could photograph her dog and she said yes, but as soon as he saw the camera, he wasn't a happy camper and wouldn't stop barking at me. I tried again later, after I'd been shopping, but it was the same - fierce growls and barks - just as well he is such a tiny dog.

So I was surprised on looking at the photograph that it is really quite sharp, despite the little dog not keeping still - so here he is. I didn't ask his name because I didn't think I'd got a pic.

18 November 2008

Lucky, the brother

About a week ago I snapped a boxer puppy, identical to this one, but he wouldn't keep still and the photographs were totally out of focus. A couple of days ago, walking along the pedestrian street in Menton, I saw him again and asked if I could have another go. The owner told me that this pup is the brother. So here is Lucky, who, like his brother, wouldn't look at the camera but at least he kept reasonably still.

Just 8 weeks old and probably daunted by so many people around him, I'm not surprised he didn't want to look at the camera.

'There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face' - Bern Williams

14 November 2008


Out walking this morning with my dog, Beau, we met Baron, a 2 year old Braque Français. The small photograph isn't quite sharp but it shows him in real hunting dog stance. Braque translates as Pointer but he hasn't the pointy nose of a Pointer. There are apparently two types - the BF type Gascony and the BF type Pyrénées. Take a look at the Braque Français Club website to read more.

Baron and his owner live in Gorbio. He hunts sanglier (wild boar) but also keeps snakes at bay.

Note his bell - all hunting dogs wear a bell so hunters know where their dogs are.

13 November 2008

The Dog in the Doorway

Another Yorkie today but older than the last adorable puppy. This little one is always to be found sitting in the doorway of this Menton restaurant or just outside by the menu board. His owner is the lady at the rear of the smaller photograph - I presume the restaurant owner.

I don't know his name - the ladies were in conversation and I didn't like to interrupt them.

Yorkies are very popular in France. I used to think I'd find loads of poodles and of course there are poodles, but many more Yorkshire Terriers. Known in France as 'un york.'

11 November 2008

Feiwel - a dog's life

This little Yorkie pup - he's 4 months old - was being wheeled along the seafront in Menton but what amused me is that the child, whose pushchair it was, was walking! Quite right - dogs first!

He's such a pretty Yorkie, don't you think? He and his charming family were on holiday in Menton from Luxembourg. Pity about the weather.

08 November 2008

Gizmo - the shelter dog

This is Gizmo, an 8 year old apricot poodle, given a home 6 months ago. Prior to that he'd been in the SPA refuge in Nice and now - as you see - basks in the sun on a bench alongside his new and forever owner at Cap Martin.

Note he wears the medallion from the SPA and also a St. Christopher (I think?) to protect him.

I heard President-elect Barack Obama talking about the new puppy he will be getting his daughters and said he'd like the dog to come from a shelter. I do hope that happens. T00 many puppies, as well as older dogs in refuges. We should always give unwanted dogs a home, where possible. There are so many of them.

06 November 2008


We've had storms for ten days now. Suddenly this morning, after early rain, the sun broke through and I drove down the valley to the sea. Who should I meet but this little cutie...

Meet Nico. He's a 5 year old Miniature Pinscher from Pisa in Tuscany - on holiday with his owners. I don't believe I've met a brown and white Min Pin before - they are normally black and brown - at least the ones I've met on the Riviera are.

That's the Old Town on Menton you can see in the distance.

04 November 2008

Beau Votes!

Meet my dog, Beau - happy to loan one of his long ears to support Obama on this, America's election day.

Beau lived in a refuge in the Var for four years - he was called Bimbo then but I changed it to Beau the day we drove home together. He is a Bruno de Jura - a Swiss hunting dog - and the origin of the Bloodhound (you can see the resemblance I think). Three weeks after coming home Beau had both ear drums removed to try and cut down on the massive infections he had. He was four and a half hours on the table. He still gets abscesses from time to time but now he's a pretty healthy dog and this is his chair - which used to be 'my' chair. Huh! He's happy and so am I to have him here. He's a wonderful, funny dog with a howl you'd not believe. He's lived with me in Gorbio for 18 months and is probably about 10 years old although really no one knows his age or history. Taking him from the refuge was the best thing I ever did. Always rescue a dog from a refuge - there are so many and they reward you a trillion-fold.I adore this funny ol' boy.

Happy Election Day, America! Beau and I will be sitting up late and watching the results. If the polls are right, we want to be part of history in the making and welcome President Barack Obama, who I know is going to so good for America and the world. It's time for CHANGE!

(This is the same post as is on Menton Daily Photo today - something I don't usually do but today is an important day!)

And to see how you can vote with candies, please go to Monte Carlo Daily Photo.

02 November 2008

Alpha, who loves water...

Alpha, 3 years old, is a Berger Blanc Suisse (White Swiss Shepherd Dog) who lives in Monaco but had been in Gorbio for a run. Hasn't he the longest tongue - he's a hot dog (!) - this is before he cooled down in the area next to the washhouse in the village. Note the plastic bottle used as a tap.

You can read more about this breed - the origins of the German Shepherd Dog by clicking on the link - and for more photos of Alpha in the water and to see the washhouse, go to Menton Daily Photo today.

29 October 2008

Altesse, the Market Dog

Altesse, (Highness in English) the Brittany spaniel lives in the Var and once a week, on a Friday, comes to Menton to sit with her owner at the antique fair there. Such an alert and intelligent look.

26 October 2008


Another dog sitting patiently with her owner waiting for the Blessing on the Animals in Menton. I don't know if she is a Boxer, a Mastiff, or a mix of the two. In the first photo she looks to be a boxer, in the second, that width of jaw and longer muzzle, she looks a mastiff. Anyone an idea?

I don't know her name - just loved that she sat so patiently with no lead - waiting - and such an intense expression as if she knew every word that was being said.

PS: Thanks 'Anonymous' who thinks she is a Dogue de Bordeaux and I totally agree.

25 October 2008


Chanelle has the right name, doesn't she? She seems to go with her owner's beautiful jewellry. Chanelle is 3 year old, lives in Menton and was sitting on her owner's lap waiting for the Blessing of the Animals held near to the Sablettes beach. More dogs who were there - tomorrow.

21 October 2008


How would you like this doggy sitting on your lap?! Meet Yorek, a Saint Bernard puppy of 8 months - yes, just a pup and already weighing 72 kilos.

You can see his meeting with yesterday's bull terrier, Nanou in the middle photo.

20 October 2008


Nanou is a bull terrier of 15 months. Just after I took this photograph he met a Saint Bernard - come back tomorrow and you'll meet Yorek.

Nanou comes from Genoa in Italy.

17 October 2008


The second Welsh Terrier on Riviera Dogs.

Gucci is an adorable, naughty Welsh Terrier puppy - he's 7 months old with not a nasty bone in his body. Loves every one, loves other dogs, just wants to play. One high energy bundle.


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