Betty is one year old and lives in England and was visiting Monaco specially for the event.
28 September 2009
Betty and Classic Week
Betty is one year old and lives in England and was visiting Monaco specially for the event.
Wire Fox terrier
24 September 2009
Elementary, my dear Watson
I hardly have to tell you where we are as you can see the Casino of Monte Carlo in the background.
I've just realised Watson is the first whippet to appear on this blog. I've always loved this breed and isn't Watson adorable.
19 September 2009
Anubia is a 4 year old Shih-tzu and she lives with François, the gentleman you see on the right of the smaller photo. He, like his father, used to run the Restaurant Beausejour in the village. It's now run by his son, Yvan. You get great food at the Beausejour. The gentleman on the left is François' friend Michel.
17 September 2009
Robbie is a cross between a Shih-tzu and a terrier and he looks it, doesn't he? He's 4 years old and lives with Anubia, a girl Shih-tzu, who we'll meet next time - both are owned by the father (we'll meet him too) of Yvan, proprietor of the Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio.
Cross breed
14 September 2009
The Tourist Shop Dog
Zita, a Miniature Pinscher, sits just inside her owner's shop all day. She has one bed inside the door and another outside so she can choose where she likes to sleep. After lunch, like many good people from the south, she takes a nap. Then her owner displays a sign above her bed asking people not to wake her. Zita was a rescue dog who had had far too many litters before she ended up being so loved.
Zita's owner, Rosie, is one of Monaco's characters. Her shop is called Rosie's Memories. You can see a photo of her on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.
Miniature Pinscher
11 September 2009
Dogs are so patient. I often say this and I suppose, on a lead, they don't have much choice. Knowing dogs tho, they'd probably not stray far, even off lead. Look at the patience of this little dog - happy to be with his owner.
The owners of all those feet are watching the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village. You can read about it by clicking on the link.
Jack Russell terrier
07 September 2009
Wrong Move
I don't know the name of this dog but I do know that he used to live with his owner in Gorbio, which is where the photograph was taken. She decided she wanted to live in the country (many would say Gorbio is country, but I know what she meant - to live in real deep countryside). So she moved way up into the mountains, Tende, I believe. Today she and her dog are back in Gorbio for the Fête Patronale and she says how much she misses Gorbio and perhaps wishes she'd never left - she misses her friends and the way of life of the village. It's not so easy to make a new life in a new place, especially when you are older.
I wonder where the dog would prefer to live? The answer of course is easy - with his owner - wherever that might be.
Cross breed
03 September 2009
Much later I saw him on a road leading out of the village and snapped these two. He just wanted to go home! Olfen is 12 year old and lives in Gorbio village and I think when a dog gets to 12 he's entitled to not want his photo taken, don't you?
30 August 2009
Boutchette, the BAD pup!
Soon she'll be booted back inside - no, not booted - her owners adore her, of course.
Boutchette lives at my favourite restaurant in the village, Le Beausejour and she's called Boutchette because the owner's previous Bassett was called Boutch - so she is 'little Boutch.
How adorable is she? You know, I've yet to meet a dog who doesn't love to either eat horse droppings or roll in them - or better still, both!
Bassett hound
27 August 2009
The Boat Dog
Seeing a dog on a boat for hours like this made me wonder when he pees but I suppose he's used to it and pees when he gets off!
25 August 2009
Isn't she gorgeous and isn't she having a good holiday?
The smells that day were particularly interesting as Maya had attended the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village alongside a lot of horses and I suspect, in the top photo, she has picked up a the scent of a horse.
22 August 2009
Gator, the Service Dog
Gator lives in Monaco and is two and a half years old. I've written Gator's story on Postcards from Pension Milou - just click on the link. You'll also find a 'Mia' update.
Cross breed
20 August 2009
I met 2 year old Lancelot at a friend's house in Sainte Agnès, a hill village above Menton - in fact Sainte Agnès is the highest village in Europe with a view of the sea and that is some view! For anyone interested, the village is currently being featured on Menton Daily Photo where the village recently celebrated the Fête de Lavande.
Lancelot who was bred in Italy lives in Menton with his Irish owner. He's a Jack Russell although I feel he might have just a touch of Staffie in him. A lovely little dog. (click to enlarge his photo)
Jack Russell terrier
18 August 2009
The Candle Maker's Dog
Do click on Monte Carlo Daily Photo to see her owner making candles at this festival.
Cross breed
14 August 2009
Cheyenne ...and Oudai ...and Oscar
Her name is Cheyenne and she's two and a half. The pointer, with the beautiful eyes, is called Oudai and she is 10 years old and the wire-haired dachshund is also 10 years old and he's called Oscar.
They live on le rocher (the rock) in Monaco. That is the area where you find the Palace, the Oceanographic museum and the Cathedral and also some beautiful little back streets where people actually live, including these three lovely dogs.
It was the day of the XVIIIth Century Festival (currently on Monte Carlo Daily Photo) so the place was packed with visitors and it wasn't so easy to get them to pose with people pushing past all the time. Look how they obviously adore their owner. Lucky dogs, lucky owner.
12 August 2009
This is little Titta, a 5 month old dachshund puppy, with her young owner. If you are a follower of Monte Carlo Daily Photo, you'll know I put this same photo on about a week ago. So apologies if you've already seen it.
Titta was present at an Art Gallery 'Opening' in Monaco but in fact lives in Genoa, Italy.
09 August 2009
Lily is a beautiful Springer Spaniel who lives just along the coast at Villefranche, which is a town next to Nice. Lily is much travelled dog. Sometimes she lives in Paris and sometimes in London and she even flies on her owner's private plane as if it's something all dogs do.
One time in Paris, when left with her dog carer, she was walking in one of Paris' beautiful gardens, when a firework went off. She took off, scared, and was lost for two days. A nightmare for both owner and carer. They plastered the park with posters and eventually she was found in the hands of an SDF (sans domicile fixe = of no fixed abode) on the end of a piece of rope. Happily, apart from very sore feet and some dehydration, she was OK. Of course she should not have been off her lead but it's easy to say - we do get to trust our dogs but personally I'd never let someone else's dog off lead in public. No way.
Like most spaniels, Lily's passion is a ball or any toy - so long as it's in her mouth.
English Springer Spaniel
06 August 2009
Did you know that the Chinese believe that if you put a jade plant in front of your front door and another by the back door, money will come in and won't go out?
I thought Tullius might be a Sheltie cross but his owners told me he's simply a mix - indeed a cute one. Tullius, who is 9 years old, is on holiday in the south of France from his home in Germany.
Cross breed
04 August 2009
Meet Choupette who is one year old and lives in Monaco. She was bred in a very good kennel but unfortunately she suffered from several serious illnesses in her young life and thanks to her caring owner and a great vet has pulled through and is now in excellent health.
This is for 'Lady Jicky' who loves pugs - so do I, even though they snore!
02 August 2009
Look at all those legs in the smaller photo. When you take a photo from this angle you wonder how on earth a little dog manages to avoid them all.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
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